Sunday, June 27, 2010

Can anybody hear me?

The customary rhythm and flow of my house is generally accelerated by the morning ritual. Among other sounds heard is the rapid patter of feet as each of four kids awakens with a fresh sense of urgency in their bladder. The youngest races to the closed door, clasps his hands in prayer and with eyes squinted knocks adamantly upon the door. It's available, I say from my vantage point in the living room. With a shrug of thanks and relief he enters and relieves himself. To the believer all things are worthy of prayer, even the little things like "oh dear god let the bathroom be vacant now because it's always a crap shoot in a household of 6 with only one bathroom and 3 older siblings." While praying for water closet relief does not nearly rise to the threshold of "oh dear god please allow me the provisions to feed my children today" it is born of the equal faith that some one is listening. Moving beyond that inquest in the journey of faith takes a bolder step that says, not only is someone listening, but that someone will answer. And perhaps the boldest step of all is the belief that not only is someone listening, beyond someone has an answer, to the last cosmic leap that someone can actually respond with action to my plea. There was no one to answer my son from behind the bathroom door, only I, with my perfect vantage point could do that for him.May I have the grace to ask in faith of the One who has perfect perception today.


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